Ecommerce AgencyEcommerce WebsiteDrive eCommerce Website Traffic

The number game is ruling the roost and everyone wants to drive more traffic and generate more volumes of sale. Online shopping is constantly evolving. Shoppers are more astute and aware. They refer to multiple sources and assess them for the value they offer. Due to recent pandemic worldwide, eCommerce business are boosting and are expected to penetrate 82.2 percent by 2024 according to Statista. Thankfully, being aware of customer expectations and catering to them can help you drive traffic to your website. Here are 10 ways to drive eCommerce website traffic for your brand.

1. Create an Intuitive and Eye-catching Store to Represent your Business

Make your site look organised and provide your customers all the information they need. This will create a good impression and make them come back time and again.
Eye-catching online Store to Represent your Business
Eye catching Online Store for your business

2. Customise Your Content and Layout

Your e-commerce page is the first thing any customer notices about your site. Offer your customers a personalized experience. Customize your user interface to cater to the needs of your target audience. Offer your customers high quality pictures and descriptions. Categories your products and present them in an appealing manner.
Plan your website layout
Get Best Website Layout that Suits Your Target Audience

3. Build a Good Reputation

All customers read testimonials and reviews before making a purchase. Ask your existing customers to provide testimonials either on your own page, or on google and other forums. Provide them good service and request them to provide ratings for your establishment.
build your online reputation
Building Trust Through Online Reviews

4. Be Searchable and Relevant

Create and host content with optimized key words and key phrases. Ensure that your website appears on the first page of the search engine. Use highly competitive keywords and enlist the service of a good Digital Marketer to help you optimize your site to make it more accessible to netizens. Host advertisements and write blogs on a weekly basis, let your site be organized and provide immense value to your target audience.
searchable content for relavant audience
Create Searchable and Relevant Content

5. Referral Marketing via Returning Customers

Returning customers are the best brand ambassadors you can have. 85% of customers will purchase a product repeatedly if they love it. Additionally, they will also recommend the product to others in their circle and spearhead word of mouth marketing.

This in turn will boost your marketing effort and bring you more valuable customers. Run a referral program and reward your customers for championing your cause. This will make them more loyal and ultimately drive more traffic to your site.

website referral program
Ecommerce Referral Programs to Build Online Network

6. Up Selling or Cross Selling

When you purchase or even view a product on an e-commerce platform, have you noticed suggestions for related products coming up on your feed? For instance, if you purchase a lamp, suggestions for bulbs might show up. Similarly, you might even get a suggestion that provides suggestions based on the shopping experiences of other buyers with similar personas.

Upselling or Cross Selling boosts revenues by over 30% and is the easiest and most logical way to boost traffic and revenues. Also, clubbing the products into bundles and offering them to customers increases sales, particularly within the target market.

upselling and cross selling
Increase your Ecommerce Website Sale Through Up-selling and Cross Selling

7. Loading Speed of Website

As bizarre as it may sound, many websites have indeed lost a chunk of customers because of page speed. Customers nowadays want everything to be fast and convenient. If a customer visits an page, and the page takes time to load, he or she will simply buy the same product or an equivalent product from another site. In fact, poor or low page speed has made some sites even lose 50% of their customers.

When you build a site, ensure that it loads fast. Avoid uploading high volume files that might take time to load. Provide your customers an easy and convenient experience. Its best to do a website speed test once every week to optimize your website to drive your online sales. Get that page speed test done.

fast loading speed for website
Ensure Fast Website loading speed

8. Mobile Friendly Experience

This is an extremely pertinent factor. With 52.2 percent of customers use mobile browsers or apps to make purchases. When the site is not designed for mobile use, the images and content appear either cut or distorted, spoiling the user experience and interest considerably.

Create a separate web site and mobile site to enable you to reach and most importantly retain relevant customers.

9. Send Abandoned Cart Emails

Many people visit websites, add items to carts and forget about it. In 20% of the cases, reminding them about the abandoned items, nudges them to make a purchase. Sending messages pertaining to abandoned carts or notifying customers when a product they have chosen is available in stock helps them favor the product. This also help them return to the website time and again, and ultimately improves page rankings.
abandoned cart
Send Emails to All Customers who Abandoned the cart

10. Set Clear Call to Actions

Most small business who are starting out, don’t have clear call to action. Test your CTA by providing different ones and assessing the response. No matter what don’t forget the CTA as this is what will bring you the customers. Having no CTA is like having a great laptop, with no monitor. It is simply non-functional.
ways to grow website traffic
Best Digital Marketing Agency for building ecommerce website


In this article, you will learn the ways to get website traffic for your brand. There are multiple ways to create traffic to your website organically and build your brand presence.

Kraftdigi is best digital marketing agency in Chennai that has assisted multiple eCommerce businesses to find it audience online and provided brand presence. We provide complete marketing solution that is customized for your business and all you need to is sit back and watch your brand grow.

Comment below which approach you have tried and your experience.

Want to grow your eCommerce website business, contact us!

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